These images can be selected from and used for any project related to Covington Church or the Covington Web Pages.
End of May 2014. David Hackney is concreting in the girders to support the bell frame using a vibrator to settle the cement into every crevice. The jackdaws are now nesting outside the mesh frame that keeps them out of the tower interior. 5th June 2014. Children from Brington CofE School visited. Permission for us to take photos was refused so the selection is limited mostly to the 7 images supplied by them. 13th June 2014. Youngster come from Kimbolton school accompanied by their Assistant Head Teacher and the School Chaplin Rev. Nicky Bland to learn about the church and bells in particular. 18th July 2014. For images from the Lydian String concert in the church see the Photo Gallery/Scrapbook |